Welcome to Your Legendary Marriage Resource Site

Congratulations on taking a proactive step towards securing for yourself a solid foundation for relationships.  We are honored to have such motivated individuals as yourself at this site and are confident you will leave here with more than enough head and heart knowledge to make your time worth it.  Contrary to the popular saying, knowledge is not power, however taking appropriate action with wise knowledge is power.

Tracy and I believe in bearing fruit, or in other words, we want to see results.  If there are no results then we believe it’s time to rethink the strategy.  As in business so it is in relationships, if you do the things that produce results you will succeed.  However if you continue doing what produces nothing, then you soon have a relationship that goes bankrupt.  Relational bankruptcy is when the “relation” piece disappears from relationship and all you are left with is the “ship”, a ghost ship of memories.   This site will give you the tools for strengthening your “relation” and for clear navigation of your “ship” where you will plot a course that positively affects those you love and care about around you.

Remember there is no time like NOW to learn, act and believe!  Thanks for visiting.  We bless you and believe in you.

Love Brayden and Tracy