First of all it was an honour to be asked to be part of this marriage bible study (Operation Mass Impact) for the second time. The first time we were exposed to many marriage sermons which opened our eyes to what is exactly going on in the soul of both men and women. It helped us get a taste of some good and powerful Truths about marriages and practical ways we can execute these Truths. We as a couple, have been doing the listening test and have really tried to offer “suggestions” rather than “ARPing”. The second time around, it feels as though these sermons are now more engrained in our hearts rather then simply sitting in our brains. We believe in marriage and want nothing but a strong relationship to impact the generations after us. Thanks to Brayden and Tracy for their vulnerability and their obedience!

Manon et Nicholas Tenszen
We had the privilege of hosting Brayden & Tracy Sloan as our guest speakers for our Valentines Date Night called Desert & Desire this past Saturday night.  Brayden & Tracy shared their miraculous story of reconciliation and recovery. I left that evening with the following 3 impressions: First and foremost that God does not give up on us or write us off even when we turn aside and go our own way.  Second How God communicated and encouraged each of them in separate but very distinct ways to draw them intimately first back to God and then eventually to each other.  Third How important it is to have someone standing with us in faith and prayer for the impossible situations we all face from time to time.  Theirs is a Love story that will move your heart, the new love they found was very evident on their faces as they shared their story of pain, progress and passion with us. Pastor Mike Davis – Bethel Christian Assembly – Brandon, MB